November has just flown by in a blur! We helped cousin Sid celebrate his 40th-he had no idea about the party let alone the Australian cousins being in town so it was a double surprise. We met other long lost cousins of cousins of cousins-the relationship between everyone got a bit complicated especially with free flowing wine and endless tins of beer! In any event, the distant relatives seemed to have a good memory of Julian as a wee lad and we spent an enjoyable night regaling stories of days gone by.
We experienced the novelty of purchasing fireworks from the supermarket then being able to set them off in the back yard on Fireworks Night/Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Day (something we haven’t been able to do at home since the early 80’s!) Some were impressive, others just fizzers but we managed to set off all 44 crackers without a hitch-so the OH&S officer’s precaution of a bucket of water was thankfully not needed.
We have wonderful memories of our visit to Cambridge mid-November but not too many photographs as Danielle had forgotten to charge the camera battery! As well as seeing the beautiful old colleges and hearing embellished stories & tales about the places beside our punt ride along the river Cam, we took the opportunity to catch up with an old flattie-Kier-now a resident of Cambridge who was able to show us some of the fine ale houses about the town too.
The month with rounded off with a touch of home, seeing Lior live (click here if you've not heard of this fab musician) at a very up close at a small place in Soho as well as a trip to Twickenham to see the Wallabies absolutely thrash the Barbarians
We continue to be reminded how mild the weather is at the moment compared to last year when the place had almost come to a standstill due the amount of snow, although it is quite cold enough now! London has been blanketed in fog a couple of times already and a little rain has fallen but all in all, we shouldn’t complain. At least the pubs are a cosy place to bunker down and forget the winter weather worries.